A tooth icon on a black background.

White Fillings Windsor

Tooth-coloured composite fillings from Wonsch Dental are discrete, durable, and most importantly, secure. Therefore, you can receive treatment from us without having to worry in the slightest about someone noticing your new filling beside your natural teeth.

Concerning Dental Fillings 

Your dentist can fix your natural teeth by using white fillings for dental restorations. If a tooth has to have decay removed, a filling changed, or if it has been chipped or otherwise harmed, a filling may be required.

A wide variety of white fillings and tooth-colored materials, including porcelain and resin, are available for your use. These practical options are ideal for replacing decay, cavities, and outdated metal fillings.

Checking teeth using a dental mirror for white fillings in Windsor, ON
How Long Do They Last?
White fillings generally last 3 to 5 years. Composite resin is not the strongest material and is less resilient than things like porcelain. This implies that, if necessary, it may be quickly removed, redesigned, and replaced. Composite resin can last much longer than five years with proper maintenance.
What is The Price?
At Wonsch Dental, composite bonding treatments vary in cost depending on the exact nature of the procedure. Resin is a pricey substance that is even more expensive per gram than gold. Therefore, the cost will change appropriately for larger reconstructions or fillings.
What to Expect from Your Filling Procedure

The needs of the employer looking for coverage are frequently taken into account when providing quotes for dental insurance. However, insurance for basic dental services include extractions, fillings, cleanings, and other routine or basic dental procedures.

At Wonsch Dental, we are committed to making sure that effective dental care is available to everyone, and so we try to accept as many forms of insurance and payment as possible. For more information, you can schedule a consultation with us today!

Advantages of Composite Resin Fillings

The main advantage of a dental filling is stopping the spread of decay by restoring a tooth's function and look while also correcting any damage.

Fillings are used to repair minor degradation and act as a barrier against dangerous microorganisms to stop further deterioration.

Another advantage of fillings is that they maintain the majority of the tooth's structural integrity while replacing the damaged area.

A filling is more affordable than dental crowns, which are used to treat bigger regions of deterioration and can typically be applied during a single appointment with your dentist.

Are Composite Fillings Covered by My Insurance?

In the event that a cavity has been found, we shall start by using a local anaesthetic. After the anaesthetic has taken effect, we will use specialised dental tools to gently remove all tooth decay.

To ensure that the filling adheres to the tooth fully after the decay has been entirely removed, we will roughen the tooth's surface.

After the filling has been bonded to the tooth, we will finish the process by polishing the filling's surface to match the texture of your tooth.


Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation!

We are accepting new patients, and are proud to offer gum tissue contouring and other cosmetic procedures. Our aim is to ensure that all of our patients are happy with a new smile.

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