A tooth icon on a black background.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Windsor

Our dentists are knowledgeable when it comes to wisdom teeth, and can determine if wisdom teeth removal is necessary. At our Windsor dental practice we’re equipped to safely treat dental conditions and support the maintenance of your oral health, and are happy to refer you to have your wisdom teeth removed should you have to.

Dentist checking her patient's teeth using the mouth mirror during wisdom teeth removal in Windsor, ON

What is Tooth Extraction?

The entire tooth is pulled out of the bone socket during a tooth extraction. At Wonsch Dental, our dentists only remove teeth when the damaged tooth poses a risk to your oral health.

Too much tooth damage and troublesome wisdom teeth are two common causes for tooth extractions. In some cases, teeth are extracted in order to make room for further dental procedures.

Why Might I Need Tooth Extraction?

It may occasionally be necessary to extract a tooth from its bone socket if there is significant tooth decay, gum disease, or an irreparable fracture. Or we might have to take it out to make room or to prepare for braces. Some teeth need to be removed because they are positioned incorrectly. The "third molar," often known as the wisdom tooth, is an example of this.

Lack of Space

Some people have excess teeth that prevent the eruption of new teeth. Occasionally, the baby teeth do not fall out in time for the permanent teeth to erupt. In order to make space for the teeth that are being moved into place by braces, some people may need to have their teeth pulled.


Due to a compromised immune system, individuals undergoing radiation or cancer medications may get infected teeth. This can be treated in a number of ways, including extraction.

Wisdom Teeth

Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are frequently removed either before or after they erupt. They typically erupt in your late teens or early 20s. If they are infected, painful, have a cyst, are decayed, or are moving toward a misalignment problem, they need to be removed. These teeth frequently get impacted, or trapped in the jaw, and fail to erupt. The gum may get irritated as a result, hurting and swelling. The tooth needs to be extracted in certain situations. All four wisdom teeth are often removed at once if you require their removal. Wonsch Dental would be happy to have a look, and then arrange for you to see a specialist if removal is necessary.

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Treating Excessive Tooth Damage

The majority of the time, your dentist will attempt to save a natural tooth by whatever means necessary. However, in some cases, such as those involving damage, gum disease, or significant decay, wisdom tooth extraction may be necessary.

Your dentist will go over wisdom tooth treatment choices with you if a damaged tooth needs to be extracted, which may include dental bridges, dental crowns, and dentures. If there is an alternative to full-on tooth extractions, this is typically preferred in order to preserve your natural tooth.

What to Expect from Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

In extreme circumstances, you might need to undergo the surgery in a hospital. This procedure can be carried out in a dentist's or surgeon's office. Each patient has specific needs that should be evaluated by a trained dentist.

Before you can undergo the procedure, you may need to take antibiotics to treat any infections or gum disease that you may have.

A stronger anaesthetic that will keep you asleep throughout the procedure may be administered before your wisdom teeth extractions. Your dentist or surgeon will advise you to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight the night before surgery if you are receiving this form of anesthesia for your wisdom teeth removal procedure.

The needs for oral health vary from person to person. Some people can return to work the day after surgery, while others may need a few days or a week to heal. For the following 24 hours after removal, you might feel some discomfort, swelling, or bleeding where your wisdom tooth was removed. When opening or moving your jaw, you could also experience pain and discomfort.

It may be difficult to decide to have your wisdom teeth removed if they aren't bothering you. It is advised that you heed your dentist's recommendations because they are qualified experts who are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of having your wisdom teeth removed.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation

To schedule an appointment at Wonsch Dental, call us at any time. We can assist you with all of your dental services, and can help you learn more about your wisdom teeth.



What is Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a dental procedure to extract one or more wisdom teeth — the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom. If a wisdom tooth doesn't have room to grow (impacted wisdom tooth), it can result in pain, infection, or other dental problems and may need to be removed.

When is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

Wisdom teeth removal is necessary when these teeth cause problems or are likely to in the future. Common issues include impaction, pain, infection, cysts, damage to neighboring teeth, and gum disease. Regular dental check-ups can help determine if your wisdom teeth are causing such problems.

What Can I Expect During the Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure?

During wisdom teeth removal, the dentist will numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic. Sedation or general anesthesia might be used depending on your needs. The dentist will then make an incision in the gum tissue, remove any bone blocking access to the tooth root, and divide the tooth into sections for easier removal if necessary.

How Long is the Recovery Time After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Recovery time varies per individual but generally, most people can return to their normal activities within a few days. It is important to follow post-surgery instructions like biting on a gauze pad to reduce bleeding, using an ice pack to keep down swelling, and eating soft foods. Complete healing of the gums may take several weeks.
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