A tooth icon on a black background.

Dental Crowns Windsor

Do you have any teeth that are broken or missing? Has your confidence and quality of life begun to suffer as a result of the complications? If so, you can make your smile look, feel, and operate better. We provide the options you require to restore broken or missing teeth.

Wonsch Dental Can Help You Restore Your Complete and Beautiful Smile

A dental crown, commonly referred to as a "dental cap," is a cap that is formed like a tooth and is affixed permanently over a tooth to recover its strength, form, and look. To hold fragile or chipped teeth together and stop them from breaking further, crowns are utilised. They can also be used to join a bridge, support massive fillings, or conceal natural teeth that are crooked or discoloured. In some circumstances, dental implants themselves might be covered with crowns.

More About Dental Crowns

Installing a crown typically takes two dentist visits. We prep the tooth or implants for the crown during your initial visit. In order to produce the crown, we then take an imprint of the tooth and the gums around it. This impression is transported to a dental laboratory. Until the final crown is prepared, a temporary crown is placed over the tooth. In the second appointment, the temporary crown is taken off and the permanent crown is affixed to the tooth.

With good oral hygiene, crowns could endure even longer than the average lifespan of five to eight years. A crown can improve the look of your smile while strengthening your teeth.

Close up doctor arm keeping teeth model for smiling girl. Doctor matching it for dental crowns Windsor, ON

Who Should Get  Dental Crowns?

Patients might require a dental crown for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Preventing a tooth that is at risk of breaking due to decay or holding the tooth together if it is broken in some places.
  • Repairing a tooth that has been extensively damaged or worn down.
  • Covering a tooth that has a big filling covering and supporting it, with little natural tooth remaining.
  • Maintaining a dental bridge position.
  • Covering teeth that are badly stained or malformed.
  • Covering or concealing a dental implant.
  • Covering a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy.
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Can Dental Crowns Fix Damaged or  Missing Teeth?

While dental crowns can be an effective way of dealing with damaged, discoloured, or heavily filled teeth, they are not an effective replacement for teeth that are completely missing. In order to replace a missing tooth, a dental implant or dental bridge may be required.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation

We are accepting new patients, and are proud to offer dental crowns, dental bridges, and other cosmetic procedures. Our aim is to ensure that all of our patients are happy with their new and improved smile!



What is a dental crown?

A dental crown, also known as a "dental cap," is a cap shaped like a tooth that is permanently affixed over a tooth to restore its strength, shape, and appearance.

What are the uses of dental crowns?

They are used to hold together fragile or chipped teeth, support large fillings, join a bridge, or cover discolored or misshapen natural teeth. In some cases, dental implants are covered with crowns.

What is the process for installing a dental crown?

It typically requires two dentist visits. The first involves preparing the tooth or implant and taking an impression for the crown. A temporary crown is placed until the final crown is ready. In the second visit, the temporary crown is replaced with the permanent one.

Can dental crowns fix damaged or missing teeth?

Dental crowns are effective for damaged, discolored, or heavily filled teeth, but they are not a replacement for completely missing teeth. For missing teeth, dental implants or bridges might be necessary.
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